Agile Business Ownership

Agile Business Ownership

by Luiz C. Parzianello

Self-assessment in Evolutionary Leadership

The Evolutionary Leadership Self-Assessment tool from Agile Business Ownership™

This self-assessment tool is designed to help leaders and managers identify key areas for professional development, focusing on the essential behaviors of leaders who act as catalysts for organizational evolution. It enables leaders to uncover opportunities for growth, directly driving sustainable and strategic business outcomes.

Transformative Leadership for the Digital Age

The tool supports the development of Business Agility, ensuring organizational evolution that is strategic, consistent, and adaptable. It offers practical insights on how to lead teams and organizations, driving changes that benefit the entire organizational ecosystem.

Empower Leaders to Drive Organizational Evolution

Get Started with the Evolutionary Leadership Self-Assessment

Self-assessment is based on the four essential dimensions of Evolutionary Leadership:

  • Relationship Building

    Assesses the leader's ability to build solid, strategic relationships with all stakeholders, promoting business success from multiple perspectives.

  • Business Awareness

    Measures the leader's understanding of the continuous need for organizational evolution, encouraging strategic thinking aimed at developing new capabilities.

  • Business Evolution

    Examines the alignment between actions, decisions and the organization's strategic values and objectives, reflecting the leader's responsibility for the success and evolution of the business.

  • Operational Excellence

    Assesses the regular and committed application of competencies, guaranteeing operational excellence and the continuous evolution of the organization.

Top Featues

  • Quickly Identify Leadership Gaps

    Easily pinpoint where leaders in your organization need further development in relation to the core dimensions of Evolutionary Leadership. Gain practical insights and targeted recommendations to help them continuously evolve their leadership approach.

  • Track Continuous Improvement

    Leverage the assessment to track progress over time. As leaders evolve, the tool helps monitor improvement and ensure leadership practices are aligned with organizational goals and the changing market landscape.

  • Scalable Across All Levels

    Conduct assessments at various levels—team, department, or organization-wide. The tool scales seamlessly, providing insights that are relevant across different leadership tiers to ensure consistent development.

  • Generate Actionable Reports

    Collect and analyze data from the assessment to generate comprehensive and easy-to-read reports. These reports highlight key areas for growth, helping to raise awareness of the need for further leadership development within your organization.

  • Benchmark Against Industry Standards

    Compare the leadership development progress of your organization against industry benchmarks. Understand how your leadership capabilities stack up and identify areas to enhance your organization's competitive edge.

  • Holistic Leadership Development

    The assessment covers the four critical dimensions of Evolutionary Leadership—Connection, Awareness, Coherence, and Consistency—ensuring a well-rounded and thorough approach to leadership growth.

Luiz C. Parzianello

Luiz C. Parzianello is a pioneer of Agile Methods in Brazil (since 2002), Founder and Chief Methodologist of the ABO Academy, and creator of the Framework for Agile Business Ownership™. He is also the co-author of the Agile Extension to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (IIBA/Agile Alliance, 2012), the creator of the Lean Business Analysis Brazil channel on YouTube, and a contributor to the Introduction to Product Ownership Analysis guide (IIBA).

A recognized expert in Business Agility in Brazil, Luiz works as a consultant, mentor, coach, instructor, and speaker for senior management at large companies, helping them accelerate sustainable business growth through new management and leadership models tailored for the digital economy.