BOSSA nova is an approach for company-wide agility. It enables your company to be agile, nimble, and flexible by combining

Beyond Budgeting - beyond command and control toward empowered and adaptive management
Open Space - leveraging the power of innovation from all employees
Sociocracy - flexible organizational structure that allows decentralized decision-making
Agile - continuous learning via experiments and feedback

Created by:

Jutta Eckstein

Jutta Eckstein

Author highlights

BOSSA nova makes company-wide agility possible

BOSSA nova makes company-wide agility possible. It catalyzes agile enterprise thinking. You implement by probing, by doing experiments to understand the complexity of your organization's Strategy, Structure, and Processes.

A Holistic Perspective of Organizational Agility

Traditional approaches to enterprise transformations tend to originate in engineering or product management. While understandable given agile's software development origins, this limited focus fails to appreciate the organization as a whole. To create a sustainable, end-to-end view of agility, a more complete view of agility is required, combining the very best of Beyond Budgeting, Open Space Technology, Sociocracy and Agile.

Why Agile Is Not Enough - Jutta Eckstein

Agile performance units excel most often at strategy and people-related practices, and they outperform all other units in stability and dynamism.

McKinsey, 2017

Sample Questions

Backlog Refinement

Transparency is created for all involved in two directions by providing information and lowering the barriers for those seeking information.


I feel invited to expand my role and to innovate by following my passion.

Digital Marketing

Teams understand the value stream of the organization and contribute to its overall optimization.

Traditional Marketing

Every part of the company that I'm personally in contact with uses intentional stillness or reflection time for making meaning.

Systems and Tracking

The company meets its corporate social responsibilities by participating in networks that aim to improve the economic, ecological, and social aspects of society.

Teamwork and Delivery Cadence

Inspection and adaptation happens in all the areas on all organizational levels with which I am personally familiar.

Sales and Marketing

Equivalence is ensured by collaborative decision-making.

Digital Marketing

The company generates long-term value for all stakeholders I know of.

Systems and Tracking

Teams regularly publish their probes within the company and/or to the professional community outside of the company.

Top Features

  • Inform your enterprise transformation strategy with data you can trust from validated surveys written by the industry's foremost experts.

  • Give your teams a voice - and allow them to express where you can do the most good for your organization.

  • Gain insights expeditiously - perform analysis at the team, program and organizational levels.

  • Benchmark your organization against peers in your industry.

Jutta Eckstein

Jutta Eckstein works as an independent coach, consultant, trainer, author and speaker. She has helped many teams and organizations worldwide to make agile transitions. She is experienced in applying agile processes within medium-sized to large, distributed mission-critical projects and has written about her experiences. She holds a M.A. Business Coaching & Change Management, a Dipl.Eng. Product-Engineering, and a B.A. in Education.

Jutta Eckstein is a member of the Agile Alliance (having served on the board of directors from 2003-2007) and a member of the program committee of many different American, Asian and European conferences, where she has also presented her work.

John Buck

John Buck is President of GovernanceAlive LLC, an international training and consulting organization headquartered Washington, DC, USA. The firm also offers mediation and meeting facilitation services. John has taught many training workshops on sociocracy and led many implementation projects for a variety of organizations, more recently expanding to include BOSSA nova. He serves on the boards of various other organizations. His research and development is ongoing. For example, he is working with Fujitsu's advanced software lab to develop Weaver, software that helps meetings go better - in-person, online, and asynchronous.

John Buck has extensive management experience with government and corporations, including managing large information technology projects. His clients span the globe and include plastics manufacturers, schools, colleges and universities, long-term care facilities, co-housing groups, NGOs, food producers, and software companies. He holds an MA in Quantitative Sociology from The George Washington University.