Comparative Agile Marketing
This assessment is created by Maria Matarelli and Nic Sementa at Agile Marketing Academy. Comparative Agile Marketing provides change leaders with the insights they need to create an environment tailored for marketing professionals in an environment of constant change and volatility.
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Transforming traditional marketing processes into more agile ways
The significant benefits of agile are increasingly being adapted by marketing professionals across the world. Maria Matarelli and Nic Sementa were among the first domain experts to introduce agile concepts to marketing organizations across the world and the impact has been undeniable: by transforming traditional marketing processes into more agile ways of working, companies are seeing significant increases in brand awareness, effectiveness and customer acquisition. Comparative Agile Marketing helps you identify how your marketing efforts are stacking up and quickly identify where you need to invest your efforts to adapt in an intensively competitive market place.
Marketing for Today's Accelerating Business Environments
Agile Marketing is paving the way for a revolutionary change to the marketing industry. Fueled by industry leaders, applying effective Agile methods used frequently in project management and software development are now being used in the marketing arena. Specific Agile techniques, when taken outside of IT applications, yield incredible results in marketing, as discovered by the founders of the Agile Marketing Academy.

“This approach to marketing is outstanding. It helped me to understand the need for process in developing my various online strategies”
Dr. Robert Wolf
Sample Questions
Sales and Marketing
We shut down ineffective campaigns.
Our Marketing manager meets regularly with other departments to help remove the team roadblocks.
Digital Marketing
We have a dedicated digital media team.
Traditional Marketing
Our teams are separated by the type of media they work on.
Systems and Tracking
We regularly retrospect on the results of our marketing efforts and how we work together as a team to look for ways to continuously improve.
Teamwork and Delivery Cadence
The team has what they need to get the job done without waiting on other departments causing delay.
Sales and Marketing
Our marketing team generates leads and our sales team provides feedback on the quality on the leads.
Digital Marketing
We actively use an online funnel.
Systems and Tracking
We track the cost per acquisition of our overall performance in an effective manner.
Top Features
Leverage validated and reliable agile marketing surveys created by domain experts to quickly identify where your marketing organization needs attention and initiate a conversation to understand how you can help.
Gain insights expeditiously - perform analysis at the team, program and organizational levels.
Benchmark the level of marketing agility across your company and benchmark your efforts against other organizations in your industry.